Herbal Medicine is the use of plant remedies in the treatment of disease. It is the oldest form of medicine known. Our ancestors, by trial and error, found the most effective local plants to heal their illnesses, and now with the advancement of science enabling us to identify the chemical constituents within these plants, we can better understand their healing powers.
Herbalism is still the most widely practised form of medicine worldwide, with over 80% of the world’s population relying on herbs for health.
Herbal medicine can treat almost any condition that patients might take to their doctor. Some common complaints seen by herbalists include:
Initial Appointment - 60 minutes | |
Full Price | £40.00 |
Concessionary | £32.00 |
Follow Up Appointment - 30 minutes | |
Full Price | £26.00 |
Concessionary | £22.50 |
For more information or to book an appointment please call Mark on 07581 732236.
Therapy Gift Vouchers are available, please call 01325 321234 to pay over the phone as we now take debit card payments.
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